*NEW* Garments of Light, Volume Three
A collection of seventy revealing essays that take you on a deeper journey through the Torah and Jewish holidays.
What does the Torah say about time travel? Where was the Garden of Eden and what was the Forbidden Fruit? How will events transpire in the Messianic Era, and who exactly is Mashiach?
Find the surprising answers to these and other enigmatic questions in the pages of this book. Unravel ancient mysteries and prophecies, and explore the Jewish perspective on death and the afterlife, angels and souls, numerology, music, Biblical chronology, and much more.
Garments of Light, Volume Two
A collection of seventy revealing essays that take you on a deeper journey through the Torah and Jewish holidays.
What does the Torah say about extraterrestrial life and quantum physics? Where is Mount Sinai? What is the significance of dreams? What does “Israel” really mean, and who exactly were the ancient “Hebrews”?
Find the surprising answers to these and other enigmatic questions in the pages of this book. Unravel ancient mysteries and prophecies, and explore the Jewish perspective on reincarnation and the afterlife, astrology, the Messianic Era, and more.
Garments of Light
A collection of seventy revealing essays that take you on a deeper journey through the Torah and Jewish holidays.
How could Adam have lived 930 years? Was Joseph really sold by his own brothers? Why is Rosh Hashanah the New Year? When is Mashiach coming? How do we deal with apparent contradictions between Torah and science?
Find the surprising answers to these and other enigmatic questions in the pages of this book. Unravel ancient mysteries and explore the Jewish perspective on reincarnation and the afterlife, astrology and cosmogony, the Messianic Era, and more.
Organized by parasha and holiday, Garments of Light makes for a stimulating week-by-week reader, dvar Torah source, or Shabbat and holiday companion.
Secrets of the Last Waters
Mayim achronim—the washing of the fingers after a meal—is a little-known ritual in Judaism, yet one that carries tremendous importance.
Explore the origins and mysteries of mayim achronim in the pages of this book. Along the way, unravel some of Judaism’s most enigmatic stories, including the Garden of Eden, the destruction of Sodom and the transformation of Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt, the Talmudic narratives of Kidor the innkeeper and the four sages who ascended to Heaven, as well as the angelic child of the Zohar.
Secrets of the Last Waters will reveal the mystical dimensions of salt and water, the spiritual purpose of the meal table, the power of hospitality, and the very nature of the Heavens. Uncover the keys to good health and longevity, and the mysteries of Creation and the End of Days. Learn the secrets of mayim achronim and see why the Jewish sages insisted that this often overlooked practice is mandatory for all—mayim achronim chova!
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
The Jewish Sages teach that staying up all night on the holiday of Shavuot to study Torah is more than just a celebration, it is a tikkun, a spiritual rectification.
The 16th-century mystic Rabbi Itzchak Luria, better known as the Ari HaKadosh (“The Holy Lion”) or the Arizal, formally instituted the all-night study session, and prepared a special study guide for the night of Shavuot. While other Shavuot study guides have developed over the centuries, this book presents the Arizal’s original version, in both Hebrew and English.
To further enhance the text, a selection of penetrating insights and commentaries have been included, drawn primarily from the Kabbalistic teachings of the Zohar and the Arizal, as well as the Talmud, Midrash, and the wisdom of our Sages. Beyond the night of Shavuot, this book can be read throughout the year for more mystical insights into the weekly parasha.
Free eBooks!
Blessings Companion *NEW*
What is the blessing on an elephant? How about an albino? Our Sages instituted many powerful and profound berakhot to be recited on various natural phenomena, unique people, places, and events. Use this short and concise, printable PDF companion guide to remember and make use of these world-changing and spiritually-rectifying blessings.
The Zohar and Arizal on the Holiness of Seudah
Deeper explanations of kiddush, hamotzi, zimun, birkat hamazon, netilat yadaim and mayim achronim, for the first time in English, with explanatory annotations!
The Zohar on Anger
An eye-opening set of teachings from the Zohar and the commentary of Matok MiDvash on understanding and quelling anger – for the first time in English, with explanatory annotations!
The Zohar on Happiness
An exploration of the Zohar on the nature of happiness and how to serve God with joy, with the commentary of Matok MiDvash, annotated and in English!