Tag Archives: Biblical Prophecy

The Prophecy of Overfishing, Drought, and Pollution

In a list of prophecies describing the End of Days, the Talmud quotes a prophecy from the Book of Ezekiel – a prophecy we have seen perfectly fulfilled in our days:

This video is a short excerpt from the full-length class available here.
For more prophecies that have been fulfilled, please see here.

1909: Start of the Redemption?

Was the year 1909 secretly prophesied by the prophet Isaiah as the start of the Era of Redemption?

The video above is excerpted from the full-length class available here.
For more information and a written summary, please see here.
See also ‘A Secret History of Zionism‘.
For more on Don Joseph Nasi, who tried to re-establish a Jewish state in the 1500s, see here.

The Amazing Link Between the Biblical Judges and the Prime Ministers of Israel

How do we make sense of the modern State of Israel and its elected leaders from a spiritual perspective? Are we witnessing the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy? And is history repeating itself as we replay the Biblical era of Judges?

This video is an excerpt from a class which can be seen in full here.

Please see also ‘The Prime Ministers of Israel and the Coming of Mashiach’ in Garments of Light, Volume One, available here.