Garments of Light, Volume Three Now Available!

What does the Torah say about time travel? Where was the Garden of Eden and what was the Forbidden Fruit? How will events transpire in the Messianic Era, and who exactly is Mashiach?

Find the surprising answers to these and other enigmatic questions in the long-awaited third volume of Garments of Light, now available here. The biggest and boldest one yet (weighing in at 505 pages), with a new collection of seventy essays on the weekly parasha and holidays—culled from some of the most popular ones posted here over the past decade (expanded and revised), as well as never-before-seen essays that are too esoteric (and controversial) to post on the internet. Each volume follows the array of Sefirot, so the theme of Volume Three is Tiferet, also called Emet, “Truth”. That said, expect to find an especially large dose of emet in this volume!

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