Tag Archives: Muhammad’s Wives

The Truth About Jewish-Muslim History

It is often said today that Muslim-Jewish relations were always good before Zionism and the State of Israel, and that Jews and Muslims historically lived in peace. Is this notion true? Find out in this class, as we dive into an eye-opening letter written by the Rambam to the Jews of Yemen in the 12th century, uncover what Islam really preaches about Jews, and conclude with an incredible prophecy from the Zohar that has come true right before our eyes in recent years.

For a previous class on ‘Judaism vs. Islam’, see here.
For more on Saddam Hussein and ‘The Significance of Babylon in Judaism’, see here.

Judaism vs. Islam

Why did Islam emerge in 7th-century Arabia and what role did Jews play in its early history? How does Judaism view Islam today? And what are the similarities and differences between the two religions? Find out in this class where we also explore the Jewish wives and advisors of Muhammad, if a Jew is allowed to pray in a mosque, and an incredible prophecy about the role of Ishmael at the End of Days.

For the class on ‘Judaism vs. Christianity’, please see here.

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict in 5 Easy Points (also includes a video about the true location of Al-Aqsa).

On the Arab-Jewish kings Abu Kariba and Dhu Nawas.

On Rayhana and Safiyya, the Jewish wives of Muhammad.

Please see also ‘How the Torah Alluded to Christianity and Islam’ in Garments of Light, Volume Two, which also has an in-depth exploration of the proper pronunciations of the Hebrew alphabet.

Regarding black and blue colours in ancient texts, see here.

For the paper on ‘Muhammad, the Jews, and the Composition of the Qur’an: Sacred History and Counter-History’ see here.