Tag Archives: Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer

Understanding Edom #2: Trump & Herod

What might we expect from Donald Trump in his second presidency and does he have anything to do with Esau and Edom in Biblical prophecies? How did Edom become associated with the Roman Empire to begin with? What does King Herod have to do with it? And why does Isaiah call King Cyrus of Persia “the messiah”? Find out in this second part of the series where we also explore antisemitic conspiracy theories, the mysterious figure Obed-Edom the Gittite, and the secret behind the Western Wall.

For more information, see ‘How Esau Became Rome‘.
For the series of short essays on the Rothschilds, see here.

Will Mashiach Come This Year?

The Torah speaks of a new star appearing in the night sky to herald the coming of Mashiach. Scientists predict that such a “star” may indeed appear later this year – could it be the long-awaited “Star of Jacob”? And how does this tie in with other ancient prophecies about the End of Days, and major events happening around the globe today? Find out in the class below! 

For the original class on the End of Days from 2021, please see here.
For the ‘Third Rome’ series, see here.
For the article on the significance of the solar year, please see ‘The Kabbalah of Solar’.

The Watchers & the Book of Jubilees

A deep dive into the eye-opening ancient Book of Jubilees. Along the way, we unravel the story of Enoch and the mysterious “Watchers” and fallen angels in the pre-Flood generations, the difference between Nephilim and Anakim, how Jubilees envisions the End of Days, and what really happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

For lots more information on Nephilim and Anakim, please see here.
For more on Jubilees, see here.
The class on Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel
Part One and Part Two of this series on the Apocrypha.