Tag Archives: Sinai Revelation

The 30 Noahide Laws, Part 3: Redemption

In the concluding installment of the series, we address some final big questions like: Can Noahides pray from a siddur? Put on tefillin? Recite berakhot? Are Noahides obligated in honouring parents? Giving charity? And how can the Noahide Laws help to usher in the Final Redemption? Plus: the spiritual origins of Noahides according to the Arizal, transgenics and GMOs, and the greatest sign that we are already in the End of Days.

For the complete chart of 30 Noahide Laws with sources, see here.

See also: ‘Will There Be Sacrifices in the Third Temple?’
and ‘What’s the Ideal Number of Children to Have?

King Solomon’s Kabbalah

In this class, we explore the esoteric knowledge of King Solomon encoded in his three books: Kohelet, Mishlei, and Shir haShirim. Along the way, we answer big questions like: What is the Seal of Solomon? Why did King Solomon take on hundreds of wives and what did he conclude about marriage? What scientific knowledge did Solomon uncover? What are the 50 Gates of Understanding? Plus: the great secret behind El Shaddai, the mystical reason for the exile of the Jewish people, and incredible revelations from the ancient mystical text Sefer haTemunah.

For more on the Seal of Solomon and the Star of David, see here.
See also ‘Things You Didn’t Know About King Solomon’.
For more on Sheddu and Cherubs, see ‘The Guardian Angels and Hybrid Beasts Known as Cherubs’ in the second volume of ‘Garments of Light’

Seventeen Tamuz and the Ten Plagues

Next Tuesday is the seventeenth of Tamuz, commemorating a handful of tragedies in Jewish history starting with the shattering of the Tablets following the sin of the Golden Calf. A careful examination of Torah chronology reveals that there may be one more major event that took place at this time, and it involves the Ten Plagues in Egypt. While the Torah describes in great detail how the Ten Plagues came about, it says very little about their timing. All we know is that the final plague upon the firstborn was on the fifteenth of Nisan. Can we work backwards from this point and create an exact timeline of when the Ten Plagues occurred? Continue reading