Tag Archives: Song of Solomon

Ten Divine Songs

In this week’s parasha, Beshalach, the Israelites safely traverse the Red Sea and erupt in joyous song. This song, Shirat haYam, the “Song of the Sea”, is so important that it was included in our daily prayers. The Zohar (II, 131a) describes it as a song of redemption, and one that causes Israel to be “crowned” when we sing it, which is why it is the very climax of Pesukei d’Zimra, right before going into the Shema and Amidah at the height of our prayers. The Zohar says one who sings Shirat haYam with full kavanah will merit to see the coming of Mashiach. At the same time, Midrash Shir haShirim Zuta lists it among history’s ten special divine songs. What are these ten unique songs and how do they parallel Creation and the Ten Sefirot? Continue reading

Apocrypha, Part 1: Understanding Tanakh

Join us as we embark on a journey exploring the Sifrei Hitzonim (“Apocrypha”), the ancient texts that were deliberately suppressed and excluded from the Tanakh. In this first part of the series, we explore who wrote the Tanakh, how it was compiled, and what criteria were used in its canonization. We also take a look at why some Biblical books almost didn’t make the cut.

Along the way, we discuss whether the Book of Daniel is truly prophetic or not, why some sought to “cancel” the Book of Ezekiel, the surprising apocryphal Book of Esther, and why Shir haShirim is so graphic and explicit.

For the class on the four Sages who ascended to Heaven and saw Metatron, see here.

For a class on the secret of chashmal, the “electricity” of the Divine Chariot, see here.

For more on the translation of the Tanakh into Greek and why it was tragic, see here

For more on the Dome of the Rock and the Foundation Stone, see here.