Tag Archives: Circumcision

The 30 Noahide Laws, Part 3: Redemption

In the concluding installment of the series, we address some final big questions like: Can Noahides pray from a siddur? Put on tefillin? Recite berakhot? Are Noahides obligated in honouring parents? Giving charity? And how can the Noahide Laws help to usher in the Final Redemption? Plus: the spiritual origins of Noahides according to the Arizal, transgenics and GMOs, and the greatest sign that we are already in the End of Days.

For the complete chart of 30 Noahide Laws with sources, see here.

See also: ‘Will There Be Sacrifices in the Third Temple?’
and ‘What’s the Ideal Number of Children to Have?

Converting to Judaism: Then and Now

How has conversion to Judaism changed over the last two millennia? And who really first formulated the “Golden Rule”? Find out in the following short video:

Please see also: ‘Embracing Converts and the Seeds of Amalek’


Why Did Muslims Rule the Holy Land for 1300 Years?

The Islamic Caliphate conquered Jerusalem and the Holy Land in 638 CE. With minor exceptions, various Muslim powers continued to dominate the land for the next 1300 years, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. What is the deeper spiritual reason for this? Why did Muslims, the descendants of the Biblical Ishmael, merit to hold onto God’s Land for 13 centuries? Hear the Zohar’s surprising prophetic answer in this short video:

This video is an excerpt from ‘Did the Talmud Predict Today’s Crisis in Israel?’

For ‘Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict in 5 Easy Points’, see here.