Tag Archives: Zerubbabel

Mashiach: Now or Never

How has the coming of Mashiach been understood throughout Jewish history? Are we long overdue for the arrival of the Messiah? How might we understand Mashiach ben Yosef, Mashiach ben David, and their adversary “Armilus”?

Find out in this class, where we also discuss whether a Jew is required to believe in the notion of a messiah, how long the Israelites really spent in ancient Egypt, and explore mysterious figures like Zerubbabel and Nehemiah ben Hushiel.

More End of Days secrets from Nistarot d’Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai here.
For a list of fulfilled prophecies, see here.
For a brief bio of the intriguing life of Abba Hillel Silver, see here.

The Meaning and Power of “Amen”

In this week’s parasha, Ki Tavo, the Israelites are presented with a list of curses that they would bring upon themselves if they did not fulfil God’s commands. In the first set of curses, the Israelites answer each statement with “amen”, a term connoting agreement and acceptance. The now-ubiquitous term is actually quite rare in the Tanakh. In the Torah itself it appears in only one other context with the same meaning (Numbers 5:22). What does “amen” really mean, and why is it recited at the end of blessings? Why does it have the power to include its reciter in another person’s mitzvah? Continue reading