Tag Archives: Albert Einstein

Torah Simulation Theory

Are we living in a digital simulation? Might the Torah and ancient Jewish texts support this notion? And how might it help solve many Biblical puzzles? Find out in this mind-boggling class where we also explore quantum physics and the observer effect, multiverses, the Big Bang, the mystery of sleep, AI and virtual reality, and: could the world be flat?

For more on Kabbalah & Quantum Physics, see here.
For more on the multiverse idea in Judaism, see here.
See also ‘Is Your Brain a Quantum Computer?’

Time Travel in the Torah

Are there cases of time travel in the Torah and ancient Jewish texts? Is it possible that Adam, Enoch, and Moses were able to traverse the universe using faster-than-light technology? And how do we deal with apparent chronological contradictions in the Torah? Find out in this fascinating class, where we also uncover the true meaning of God’s Ineffable Name, propose a theory for how Adam was able to live 930 years, and calculate the speed of God’s divine “chariots”.

For a written summary and lots more information (including the time travel of Eliyahu briefly mentioned in the class), please see here.

For more on Block Universe Theory and Judaism, see ‘Time, Gravity, and Free Will’.

See also ‘How Did Adam Live 930 Years?’

The Talmud & Quantum Physics

How are the Talmud and Quantum Physics similar? Why did Albert Einstein refer to Quantum Physics as a “Talmudical theory”?

The short video above is excerpted from the full-length class available here.

For lots more information, please see ‘Quantum Physics in the Torah’ in Volume Two of Garments of Light.