Tag Archives: Big Bang

Torah Simulation Theory

Are we living in a digital simulation? Might the Torah and ancient Jewish texts support this notion? And how might it help solve many Biblical puzzles? Find out in this mind-boggling class where we also explore quantum physics and the observer effect, multiverses, the Big Bang, the mystery of sleep, AI and virtual reality, and: could the world be flat?

For more on Kabbalah & Quantum Physics, see here.
For more on the multiverse idea in Judaism, see here.
See also ‘Is Your Brain a Quantum Computer?’

The Intersection of Science and Mysticism

Dear Friends,

Back in February I was invited to speak with Eli Nash on his In Search of More podcast. We discussed everything from Torah and science to Kabbalah, kashrut, conversion, and major issues currently plaguing the Jewish world. See the full interview here: 

The Light of Creation (Video)

In recent decades, science has discovered and confirmed what the ancient Jewish mystics knew about the origins of our universe. In this fascinating class, we dive into the secret of Creation and of God declaring “Let there be light!” Join us as we uncover some of the most profound mysteries of the cosmos, and see what it all has to do with the light of Chanukah, and the forthcoming Messianic Age.

See also ‘Chanukah & the Light of Creation’ here.
Link to Rabbi Ginsburgh’s Periodic Table here.