Tag Archives: Tzfat

Graves of Tzadikim

Where was the original Tomb of Joseph, and the burial place of Moses? What’s so special about the Tomb of Rachel and the Cave of the Patriarchs? And what is the correct approach to visiting the graves of holy people? Find out in this class as we take a trip through Tanakh, Talmud, and Zohar to explore the graves of tzadikim. Plus: What are the true origins of Halloween? How will the Resurrection of the Dead at the End of Days be accomplished? And who was Caleb in a past life?

For the essay on Joseph and Yuya, see here.
For more on the origins of Halloween, see here.
Please see also ‘The Incredible History & Absurd Politics of Rachel’s Tomb’.

Things You Didn’t Know About the Arizal

Last Friday, the fifth of Av, was the yahrzeit of the great Ari HaKadosh or Arizal, “The Holy Lion of Blessed Memory”, Rabbi Itzchak Luria (1534-1572). Few have had as monumental an impact on Judaism as the Arizal. Despite being an educator for only a couple of years, and passing away at the young age of 37 or 38, his teachings shaped the course of Jewish history for the next five centuries, until the present. Who was the Arizal, what did he reveal, and why was he so influential? Continue reading

The Hidden History of Zionism

What is the true definition of “Zionism”? When did the movement really begin, and why? Find out below as we explore the suprising origins and hidden history of Zionism.

See here for video of Hamas minister speaking about origins of Palestinians.

See also:

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict in 5 Easy Points

A Secret History of Zionism

Kabbalah of Judaism’s Four Holy Cities

Kabbalah of Yom ha’Atzmaut